Chiropractic Information
What is a vertebral subluxation?
A vertebral subluxation is a misplaced vertebral in the spine causing five (5) types of damage:
- Joint Damage: can lead to osteoarthritis
- Nerve Damage: pressure on the nerves
- Tissue Damage: joint and disc degeneration
- Muscle Damage: muscle spasm and weakened muscles
- Health Damage: total overall health deterioration
Koren, T. (2005) Chiropractic: Bringing out the Best in You.
The 3 T’s of Spinal Subluxation
According to D.D. Palmer (the founder of Chiropractic):
- Trauma: (i.e. accidents, falls, sports injuries, etc.)
- Toxins: (improper diet, exposure to toxins (ie.smoking))
- Thoughts: (negative thought patterns may cause a vertebral subluxation)
Infants and Children
Chiropractic care should be an essential path of the health care of children, babies and infants. Chiropractic care should be as important as good nutritional practices. Children run, jump, fall and bump themselves as they explore daily. A vertebral subluxation check up could be one of the most important check-ups in their life.
Innate Intelligence: Your inner healing power
When you cut your finger or break a bone, the body knows how to heal this. This innate intelligence or healing power travels through your nervous system to every organ, tissue, and cell of the body. A vertebral subluxation impedes the flow of innate intelligence to every cell of the body.
Common Symptoms of an Unhealthy Spine
- Are you often tired?
- Are you sick often?
- Does one foot flare out or turn in while walking?
- How is your posture?
- Does your back “crack” or “pop” often?
- Is it difficult to take a deep breath?
- Is it difficult to turn your head to both sides equally?
- Do you wear heels evenly?
- Do you get frequent headaches?
- Do you just not feel well?
Chiropractic care might be the health care you need to bring out your very best.
Causes of Vertebral Subluxation or Misalignments
The vertebral subluxation complex (VSC) occurs when you body is overcome with stress or tension.
- Sedentary Lifestyle
- Prolonged car/plane rides
- Difficult birth (C-section/Breach)
- Motor Vehicle Accidents (Trauma)
- Poor Posture
- Drug Use
- Surgical Procedures
- Poor Diet (toxic to the human body)
- Emotional Stress
- A Trip or Fall
Arnold Schwarzenegger
“Everyone needs a chiropractor and Chiropractic must be seen as required, not an alternative. Chiropractic has had a very positive impact on my life and the life of my family. We’ve got to let the people know that there is a necessity, it’s not even an option, it’s a necessity to have a Chiropractor. As much as it is a necessity to have a dentist, you should have a chiropractor for the family.”